In this paper, we investigate, in the frequency domain, the performance (hydrodynamic behavior and power absorption) of a circular array of four semi-immersed heaving Wave Energy Converters (WECs) around a hybrid wind–wave monopile (circular cylinder). The diffraction/radiation problem is solved by deploying the conventional boundary integral equation method. Oblate-spheroidal and hemispherical-shaped WECs are considered. For each geometry, we assess the effect of the array’s net radial distance from the monopile and of the incident wave direction on the array’s performance under regular waves. The results illustrate that by placing the oblate spheroidal WECs close to the monopile, the array’s power absorption ability is enhanced in the low frequency range, while the opposite occurs for higher wave frequencies. For hemispherical-shaped WECs, the array’s power absorption ability is improved when the devices are situated close to the monopile. The action of oblique waves, with respect to the WECs’ arrangement, increases the absorbed power in the case of oblate spheroidal WECs, while these WECs show the best power absorption ability among the two examined geometries. Finally, for the most efficient array configuration, consisting of oblate spheroidal WECs situated close to the monopile, we utilize an “active” Power Take-Off (PTO) mechanism, facilitating the consideration of a variable with frequency PTO damping coefficient. By deploying this mechanism, the power absorption ability of the array is significantly enhanced under both regular and irregular waves.
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