Background: Teachers' ability to keep up with technological developments is an urgency in this activity, namely: 1) in terms of content knowledge, teachers have difficulty presenting learning contextually, which is in line with the essence of the Independent Curriculum; 2) Teachers' understanding of designing innovative learning media is still less varied. This PkM activity aims to provide knowledge and assistance to Cisarua Commissariat Mathematics MGMP teachers in developing innovative learning media containing digital-based ethnomathematics, namely flipper books based on Google Sites. Method: Activities carried out by 30 mathematics teachers from the Cianjur Commissariat Mathematics MGMP were conducted through an ethnomathematics approach divided into three stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Results: Aspects of teacher knowledge related to ethnomathematics and learning media are increasingly innovative. Conclusion: This activity supports improving teachers' abilities in designing and compiling ethnomathematics-based digital teaching materials in mathematics learning.