Problem setting. One of the important achievements of humanity of the twentieth century is the development of outer space, has formed the need for legal regulation of this area of human activity at the international and national level. Ukraine, which at that time was part of the Soviet Union directly participated with other developed countries of the world in the formation of space law. After gaining independence, it joined international documents regulating the use of outer space, and it developed its own national space legislation. The purpose of this work is to analyze the genesis of international space law, its application and development and implementation in the Ukrainian legislation; find out the problems that hinder the full development of the space industry in Ukraine. Analysis of scientific research. The subject of space law has been studied by legal scholars in various aspects. One of the first works of foreign scientists on space law was the study of the Czech lawyer Volodymyr Mandla, the following scientists also made their efforts: Endryu G. Kheyli, L. P. Anufrieva, A.Kh. Abashidze, K.A. Bekyashev. Ukrainian scientists are dealing with the problems of space law: Malisheva N. R., Atamanenko B. A., Biegliy B. A, Perederey R. B., Kudryavchenko O. B., Redchits’ N. E. Article’s main body. The current international situation has raised new questions on the development of the space industry: the delimitation of outer space and airspace, the international legal status of the geostationary orbit, the need for an international instrument to prevent the potentially harmful effects of space activities on outer space and the Earth’s environment. All these problems need to be solved as soon as possible. Conclusions and prospects for development. With the beginning of space exploration in the XX century, Ukraine as part of the Soviet Union took an active part in the development of outer space, with independence the state failed to overcome the systemic economic crisis, which led to stagnation of the space industry, slowed down the development of space law, that in most cases it is used exclusively in international cooperation with more developed countries in the space industry and the launch of a few unmanned space objects. In our opinion, there are the following factors that create obstacles to the successful development of the space industry and research in this area, namely: the state allocates a limited amount of funds for space science, there is a large outflow of scientific personnel abroad; due to the long-term unstable economic situation, foreign investors refuse to invest their funds due to the risks of their loss. In our opinion, only after the settlement of these problems, it will be possible to successfully develop the space industry and further develop space law.
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