
The article explores theoretical issues related to the need to promote new directions in the development of space. The author notes that, on the world market, Russia occupies a leading position in the sale of space products; these are propulsion systems and sets of technological equipment that can form the basis for creating new conditions for existence in outer space. The author notes that at the present stage of the "race" for space, the largest countries of the world devote great importance to the search for new ways of developing the space industry and space tourism can become a tool for solving many problems of domestic cosmonautics. The widespread use of space tourism products will become an incentive for the development and support of both cosmonautics and various sectors of the national economy as a whole, provide a qualitatively new level of international cooperation tasks, and strengthen their positions in the world community. The article examines the theoretical issues of the possibility of organizing space tourism. The necessity of its development as a completely new phenomenon in the life of society is shown. The paper briefly reflects the current state of the development of the world's outer space and shows new ways of using it in such a direction as space tourism. The assessment of the necessary conditions for its development is given. According to the author, the increasing demand for space services enables countries to create conditions for terrestrial (virtual) or near-Earth (orbital, suborbital and lunar) travel. The capabilities of the leading space powers available today show the realism of these trips. The article reflects that the increasing demand for space entertainment (flying in zero gravity, flying on L-29 and L-39 fighter jets, space tours to Baikonur and the Vostochny cosmodrome) is pushing for the creation of special economic zones with the development of road transport infrastructure, space industry and comic tourism. And this in turn gives an impetus to the creation of additional jobs. As a result of the study, the conclusion is formulated that those countries that enter the global space market of tourist services will be able to attract not only public, but also private investments in the development of outer space. Space is a new horizon for all mankind and this sphere will steadily develop, and at the same time have a tremendous impact on the economic level of the country.

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