In the context of Ukraine's choice of decentralization and European integration, the issues of development of national culture, the national minorities and ethnic groups culture in the state as a whole, and in separate regions and in territories of the joined territorial communities become relevant. This is due, firstly, to globalization processes, and secondly, to European integration of Ukraine as its strategic priority. At the same time, the problem of the preservation of cultural diversity under decentralization is not fully explored.The study of problems related to the preservation of national identity and cultural diversity, objects of historical heritage, and the establishment of interethnic relations on the territory of the Kharkiv region is relevant in the theoretical and practical aspects.The purpose of the article is to identify the peculiarities of intercultural communication among representatives of national-cultural societies living on the territory of the Kharkiv region in view of the future membership of Ukraine in the EU and the existing conditions of multiculturalism in Europe, as well as the implementation of the newest cultural strategies in the community under the conditions of decentralization reform.Cultural communication cannot be carried out without observing the basic principles of communication, rules and norms of morality, intercultural cooperation and tolerance. Each historical epoch creates its own moral rules and norms, but retains some continuity, limited in some cases. Thus, moral norms and rules should promote interethnic relations and prevent the emergence of interethnic conflicts.Cultural diversity is an inalienable feature of mankind, its common heritage that needs to be valued and preserved, and the importance of the vitality of cultures, including for people belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples.For Ukrainian society, the need to assimilate the cultural fund as a Ukrainian nation and its national traditions, as well as the cultures of ethnic groups and national minorities living on the territory of Ukraine, is evident.It is indisputable that the diversity of cultures reveals its diversity. It creates conditions for prosperity, cultural exchange, increases awareness of the value of cultural diversity of every national minority in the region, and is an effective way of preserving the integrity of the nation. In the context of the decentralization reform, the issue of the preservation of cultural diversity, of the intangible and material cultural heritage, becomes important. Bodies of local self-government are forced to reconsider not only the content and form of their activity, but also should have a broader look at the problems of interethnic coexistence and prevention of interethnic conflicts emergence.In order to create the appropriate conditions for interethnic communication at the local level, the prosperity and free interaction of cultures of the people on a mutually beneficial basis, local governments need to develop strategies for the development of culture and tourism for each joined territorial community.The principal issue is the creation of conditions for the free development of national languages and cultures, the provision of free activities of national-cultural societies on the territory of the region.Undoubtedly, the new conditions of social life in Ukraine require changes in the format of the governance system in the regions, greater involvement of the public in solving socially important issues with representatives of the authorities.Consequently, the development of cultural diversity should become the common achievement of Ukraine.The basis for the interaction of national cultural societies, representatives of the public and cultural intelligentsia, local government and local self-government bodies is the protection and promotion of various forms of cultural diversity, respect for the diversity of cultures and support for those who participate in cultural activities, as well as preventing the emergence of tragic conflicts in the field of language, culture, religion, etc.In the conditions of decentralization, the development of the cultural and tourist component of the joined territorial communities with the involvement of the component of cultural diversity will not only open up the tourist attractiveness of the community, but also will be promoting the process of economic and cultural interaction, will establish inter-ethnic trusting relations and tolerant attitude to representatives of other cultural groups.
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