Previous articleNext article No AccessThe State of the Art: Twenty Years of Comparative EducationIntellectual and Ideological Perspectives in Comparative Education: An InterpretationAndreas M. Kazamias and Karl SchwartzAndreas M. Kazamias Search for more articles by this author and Karl Schwartz Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Comparative Education Review Volume 21, Number 2/3Jun. - Oct., 1977The State of the Art Sponsored by the Comparative and International Education Society Article DOI Views: 46Total views on this site Citations: 28Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1977 The Comparative and International Education SocietyPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Edith Mukudi Omwami, Robin Shields The development of theory in comparative and international education: An analysis of doctoral theses at North American universities, Research in Comparative and International Education 2 (Jul 2022): 174549992211122. Silova Facing the Anthropocene: Comparative Education as Sympoiesis, Comparative Education Review 65, no.44 (Nov 2021): 587–616. Mukudi Omwami Liberal Feminism in Comparative Education and the Implications for Women’s Empowerment, (Aug 2021): 171–196. Maharatna ‘Invasion’ of Educational Universe by Neo-Liberal Economic Thinking: A Global Casualty?, (Jul 2018): 135–176. Silova , Comparative Education 55, no.44 ( 2019): 444. Klerides , European Education 50, no.22 ( 2018): 154. Roussakis , European Education 50, no.22 ( 2018): 119. Vavrus , European Education 50, no.22 ( 2018): 171. S. New, Hristo Kyuchukov, Milan Samko , European Education 50, no.22 ( 2018): 185. Kendall , European Education 50, no.22 ( 2018): 134. M. Gorostiaga Perspectivismo y Cartografía Social: aportes a la educación comparada, Educação & Realidade 42, no.33 (Jul 2017): 877–898. Arthur, Michael Crossley Wide horizons and blurred boundaries: comparative perspectives on adult and lifelong learning, International Journal of Lifelong Education 36, no.1-21-2 (Dec 2016): 181–194. H. Nordtveit Knowledge production in a constructed field: reflections on comparative and international education, Asia Pacific Education Review 16, no.11 (Feb 2015): 1–11. Maharatna On the Neo-Liberal Paradigm of Higher Education: An Apprehensive Note, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2015). Maharatna Invasion of Educational Universe by Neo-Liberal Economic Thinking: A Civilizational Casualty?, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2014). W. Wiseman, Emily Anderson Introduction to Part 3: Conceptual and Methodological Developments, (Aug 2013): 85–90. Silova, William C. Brehm For the Love of Knowledge, European Education 42, no.22 (Dec 2014): 17–36. M. Kazamias Comparative Education: Historical Reflections, (Jan 2009): 139–157. M. Kazamias Forgotten Men, Forgotten Themes: The Historical-Philosophical-Cultural and Liberal Humanist Motif in Comparative Education, (Jan 2009): 37–58. Mattheou The Scientific Paradigm in Comparative Education, (Jan 2009): 59–71. G. Paulston Mapping Comparative Education After Postmodernity, (Jan 2009): 965–990. D. Rust, Brian Johnstone, Carine Allaf Reflections on the Development of Comparative Education, (Jan 2009): 121–138. Ninnes Fear and desire in twentieth century comparative education, Comparative Education 44, no.33 (Aug 2008): 345–358. Bradley J. Cook , Steven J. Hite , and Erwin H. Epstein Discerning Trends, Contours, and Boundaries in Comparative Education: A Survey of Comparativists and Their Literature Cook, Hite, and Epstein, Comparative Education Review 48, no.22 (Jul 2015): 123–149. CHEESMAN School, State and Sangha in Burma, Comparative Education 39, no.11 (Feb 2003): 45–63. Stambach World-Cultural and Anthropological Interpretations of “Choice Programming” in Tanzania, (Jan 2003): 141–160. M. Kazamias Re-inventing the Historical in Comparative Education: Reflections on a protean episteme by a contemporary player, Comparative Education 37, no.44 (Jun 2010): 439–449. T. Trent, Jomills Henry Braddock, Ronald D. Henderson Chapter 8: Sociology of Education: A Focus on Education as an Institution, Review of Research in Education 12, no.11 (Jun 2016): 295–336.
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