This study examined the requirements for using flour-based formulations in fused deposition modeling (FDM) of cone-shaped cookie dough. By considering the requirements of fidelity, shape retention, and extrudability, the rheological and mechanical parameters, which resulted in high printability (93.88‒96.49%) and dimensional stability (96.36‒97.15%), for formulations containing soft wheat flour, granulated sugar, water, and olive oil were determined to be: storage modulus (G') of 7165‒12,590Pa, loss modulus (G″) of 4161‒8297Pa, shear modulus of 6613‒12,804Pa, yield stress (τ0) of 50.22‒72.80Pa, phase angle of 30.28‒33.52°, apparent viscosity of 181.25‒230.20Pa·s, and hardness of 0.65-0.91N. When olive oil and water were replaced with butter and egg, the formulations demonstrated higher values of G', G″, shear modulus, τ0, and hardness; a smaller phase angle; and a wider range of apparent viscosity. These results provide quantitative information for developing cookie dough formulations suitable for 3D printing by FDM.
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