The universality of avalanches characterizing the inelastic response of disordered materials has the potential to bridge the gap from micro to macroscale. In this study, we explore the statistics and the scaling behavior of avalanches occurring during the fracture process in silica glass using molecular mechanics. We introduce a robust method for capturing and quantifying these avalanches, allowing us to perform rigorous statistical analyses, revealing universal power laws associated with critical phenomena. The influence of an initial crack is explored, observing deviations from mean-field predictions while maintaining the property of criticality. However, the avalanche exponents in the unnotched samples are predicted correctly by the mean-field depinning model. Furthermore, we investigate the strain-dependent probability density function, its cutoff function, and the interrelation between the critical exponents. Finally, we unveil distinct scaling behavior for small and large avalanches of the crack growth, shedding light on the underlying fracture mechanisms in silica glass.