Black shale source rocks have become a key natural gas resource in the US and China. Unlike in conventional hydrocarbon reservoirs, a significant fraction of the gas in shales is adsorbed onto the inordinate specific surface areas (SSA) of micropores inside organic matter with densities exceeding those of bulk gas by an order of magnitude. Yet, the distribution of adsorbed versus bulk gas remains poorly understood. Experiments measure excess adsorption isotherms, which are corrected to absolute adsorption amounts by a factor that involves the density, ρabs, of the adsorption layer(s). Constant values of ρabs are widely used in the literature but, we argue, are inconsistent with the pressure- and temperature-dependence of adsorption behavior. In this work, we propose a more reliable approach that assumes a constant volume of each adsorption layer that can be determined from the SSA of the substrate.We measure nine high-pressure methane excess adsorption isotherms up to 15 MPa for three shale samples from China and Germany at temperatures of 65, 75, and 95 °C, and low-pressure carbon dioxide and nitrogen isotherms to estimate the SSA. We also investigate another 24 isotherms at 35, 50, and 65 °C for 8 Chinese shale samples and 3 isotherms at 60, 90, and 120 °C for an Argentinian shale sample from the literature. A new variation of the multi-layer Ono-Kondo lattice model is introduced to derive the temperature and pressure dependent adsorption layer densities, which are subsequently used to obtain the absolute adsorption isotherms of interest. This practical methodology has the potential to significantly improve our estimates of shale gas-in-place resources, and adsorption modeling more broadly.
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