The paper is devoted to the comparison of the stabilized suspension by polymer treatment efficiency of injection wells of various completions. Due to the widespread application of oil reservoirs waterflooding technology, the water and conformance control becomes an urgent objective. Control of production water cut is achieved with the help of the diversion of the injectivity profile of injection wells. The injection of special compositions allows to divert flows in the production interval, which leads to a temporary decrease in the water content of the surrounding producing wells. Completion well determines the geometry of the flow near the well or the flow mode. The purpose of the research is to analyze the results of the flow diversion in a layered heterogeneous formation near a cylindrical borehole and a flat fracture for the example treatment technology of the stabilized suspension by polymer. To solve the problem, a system of equations of “deep bed migration model” was used, describing the behavior of suspended particles in the flow and particles trapped on the rock matrix. An analytical solution of the problem of radial flow during suspension injection into a vertical injection well is obtained. A comparison of the stabilized suspension by polymer treatment on a vertical injection well is carried out for linear flow near a fracture and radial flow near vertical well. It has been found that in the radial flow, suspension particles penetrate a porous medium much worse than with linear flow. Specific characteristics are introduced and compared providing the effectiveness of conformance control by alignment of the injectivity profile of injection wells. It is shown that the treatment by stabilized suspension by the polymer of wells with fractures is more effective than the treatment of vertical wells without fractures. It was found that when treatment of vertical wells with small volumes of suspension injection, the formation of suspension cake at the inlet to highly permeable interlayers are observed. For linear flows near fractures, this effect is manifested at significantly large volumes of suspension injection.
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