We study the stability of cylindrical and spherical interfaces with respect to density fluctuations within the square-gradient approximation. That is, we determine the stability matrix (of the second derivatives of the free energy functional with respect to the density) when the stationary state is a cylindrical or spherical droplet of a stable phase embedded in the metastable phase. For these geometries the stationary states are unstable, some of the eigenvalues are negative and their eigenfunctions represent those fluctuations that are amplified in a process where the equilibrium state is reached. At early times, in a simple model A kinetics, the eigenfunctions represent the fluctuations that grow or decay with a simple exponential law and with a characteristic time that is proportional to the inverse of the eigenvalues. Our results agree with the stability criteria obtained from the Laplace equation, that is, the nucleation of critical droplets and in the case of cylinders also the Rayleigh instability. In the limit of infinite radius we recover the known results for the planar interface between two stable phases. The modes with lowest energy correspond to the customary capillary waves, while other modes with higher energy associated to changes in the interfacial width are shown to be related to a novel interfacial coefficient.
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