A cyber-physical system (CPS) is an interconnected physical system that can be monitored, controlled, and operated remotely. A systems-based analysis of CPS is critical for enhancing operational safety and security. Such analysis is particularly important in light of the evolving Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) which is largely driven by CPS, Internet of Things (IoT), algorithmic systems, automation, and smart manufacturing. As a result of industries’ and societies’ growing dependence on CPSs, their safe and secure applications need to be scrutinized to avoid any threats or harm to processes and human lives. In order to achieve this target, the current work analyzes the literature to investigate challenges and opportunities present in the CPSs. The analysis attempts to answer the following Research Questions (RQs): (RQ1) What are the prominent trends in the field of safety and security of CPSs? (RQ2) What are the opportunities in Industry 4.0 technologies related to safety? (RQ3) What characteristics of CPSs are likely to cause safety and security issues? (RQ4) What are the emerging safety and security issues introduced by CPSs? (RQ5) How were these issues addressed in the literature? CPSs can address some traditional safety issues due to characteristics like high efficiency and control. However, a CPS is challenged by heterogeneity, dependencies, complexity, unattended nature, increased machine intelligence, autonomous reconfiguration, and uncertainties. Safety and security challenges include opaque system failure, complex socio-technical system, human-machine interface, cyber-physical attacks, unsecured remote configuration, lack of standards, and resilience. The paper is structured under the following key headings: bibliometric results, opportunities from Industry 4.0 technologies, issues introduced by Industry 4.0 technologies, literature proposed solutions, and research challenges. Based on the assessment of about 900 relevant publications extracted from two databases (Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection and Engineering village (EV)), the documents were categorized into eight major divisions: (i) Safety Opportunities, (ii) Hazardous Characteristics, (iii) Fault Occurrence, (iv) Cyber-physical attacks, (v) Human factors, (vi) occupational Health and safety, (vii) standards, and (viii) Reliability and resiliency. Proactive strategies were classified under four options: identification, evaluation, prevention, and management. The paper also raises some research needs and unanswered questions that require further analysis to address how security and safety mechanisms can introduce more complexity in the system that can lead to new risks. The paper concludes by emphasizing digital process safety as part of the engineering curriculum to address the process industry's need for digital solutions and to make process safety learning a conscious choice.
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