In the conditions of the Arkhangelsk region in the nurseries of the breeding process the study of potato hybrids was carried out and the varieties with high yield, resistance to pathogens and various environmental factors were selected. In 2019, 759 hybrid samples of 9 populations were received from the breeding department of the All-Russian Research Institute of Potato Farming by A.G.Lorh with further study and selection of the best of them in the nurseries of the breeding process: hybrids of the 1st and 2nd year, preliminary and main trials of the 1st year. As a result of research and complex evaluation in the nursery of the main trial of the 1st year in the first dynamic digging (60 days after planting) in the group "medium early" hybrid 2553/1 stood out on the total and marketable yield exceeding the standard variety Kholmogorsky by 2.4 times, in the main harvest – only by 11%. In the group "medium early" in the main harvesting hybrid 2553/4 stood out exceeding the standard variety Elizaveta on the total yield by 7.4 t / ha, on marketable – by 3.2 t / ha. High total and marketable potato yields in the main harvest were obtained in sample 2462/3 (44.3 and 42.5 t/ha, respectively). Observations of potato plants during vegetation periods showed that no clone was affected by rhizoctoniose, microsporiosis and viral diseases. High resistance to late blight of potato hybrids in the first observation period and decrease of its resistance to the end of the vegetation period, before removal of haulm, was also revealed. This is probably due to low air temperature and significant precipitation during this period. Selection samples that showed high productivity and resistance to major diseases will be studied in further breeding process in order to create new varieties for cultivation in the conditions of northern regions of Russia.
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