We investigate the macroscopic dynamics of a two-fluid system with tetrahedral order. As all normal-fluid two-fluid systems one has-compared to a simple fluid-the velocity difference between the two subsystems and the concentration of one component as additional macroscopic variables. Depending on the type of system, the concentration can either be a conserved quantity or relax on a long, but finite timescale. Due to the existence of the tetrahedral order such a system breaks parity symmetry. Here we discuss physical systems without preferred direction in real space, meaning that our description applies to optically isotropic materials. We find a number of reversible as well as dissipative dynamic cross-coupling terms due to the additional octupolar order, when compared to a fluid mixture. As the most interesting cross-coupling term from an experimental point of view, we identify a dissipative cross-coupling between the relative velocity and the usual velocity gradients. Applying a shear flow in a plane, this dissipative cross-coupling leads to a velocity difference perpendicular to the shear plane. As a result one can obtain a spatially homogeneous oscillation of the relative velocity. In addition, this induced relative velocity can couple as a function of time and space to the concentration, which gives rise to an overdamped propagating soundlike mode, where the overdamping arises from the fact that velocity difference is a macroscopic variable and not strictly conserved. We also show that electric field gradients are connected with an analogous reversible cross-coupling and can lead in a planar shear geometry to an overdamped propagating mode as well.
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