The article is devoted to little-studied aspects of human-computer interaction, which determines the behavior of a complex dynamic system in extreme conditions. The viability of its elements, including humans, is influenced by a variety of environmental stress factors and activities. Their combination can lead to unpredictable technical failures and psychophysiological breakdowns, as well as to systemic management problems. The main goal of this work is to justify the need to actualize the study of the extreme principles of physics and their use in the interdisciplinary "Engineering of human factors", as well as in special courses in engineering and technology.An analysis of the methods of system dynamics, synergetics, and cognitive ergonomics indicates that the source of most problems of digitalization of dynamic systems, on the one hand, is an increase in the diversity in the methods of processing information flows, types of visualization and methods of their analysis, and on the other, the variability of psychophysiological capabilities restrictions and cognitive perception by a human operator, (designer, etc.) the variety of information on the basis of which system decisions are made. It is proposed to expand interdisciplinary connections related to the extreme principles of dynamics (electrodynamics, thermodynamics, optics, and others), integrative indicators of orderliness, energy balance, and the entropy criteria of dynamic stability. It is proposed to expand the knowledge base by transforming the dynamics of digitizing information flows of various nature into structural patterns of the cognitive space of probable events. Its use in the engineering of human factors allows a) to develop an intellectual learning support system; b) apply an interdisciplinary convergent methodology in training. All this will contribute to a more effective interaction between the student and the computer and the development of his critical thinking and intuition, and will increase the ergonomic quality of dynamic systems even at the design stage. Attention is drawn to the influence of the psychophysiological state of a person on the cognitive perception of information flows of various nature, as well as on cognitive bias in making systemic decisions. Therefore, an interdisciplinary view of the possibilities and limitations of human-computer (machine) interaction under the influence of stress factors of the environment and activity is very important at all stages of the graduate design of computer systems.
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