The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of immunostimulating drugs Salus-P-E and Bovistim-K on the quality of colostrum and the immune status of calves after drinking colostrum. Work was carried out on first-calf heifers of the Holstein breed. Three groups of deep-calving cows were selected according to the principle of analogue groups of 10 animals each. Cows of the 1st experimental group were injected intramuscularly in the middle third of the neck with Salus-P-E at a dose of 10 ml three times 60, 30 and 15 days before the expected date of calving, the 2nd experimental group – Bovistim-K at the same time and dose, in the control group, biological preparations were not used. Colostrum sampling was carried out twice: within 60 minutes after calving and 24 hours after calving. In the second series of experiments, we studied the clinical and physiological state and blood parameters of newborn calves after drinking colostrum. The colostrum of cows of the 1st and 2nd experimental groups contained more immunoglobulins than control samples by 23,8 and 27,67 g/l; total protein - by 3,08 and 3,32%; the level of caseins – by 0,34 and 0,22%, respectively. Against the background of immunocorrection of the organism of deep-calving mother cows, there is an increase in the amount of hemoglobin, total protein, reserve alkalinity and certain changes in the ratio of protein fractions of blood of newborn calves. In the first day of life, an increase in the blood serum of calves of the experimental groups was found compared to the control: albumin by 7,9 and 8,4%; α-globulins – by 18,6 and 15,7%, β-globulins – by 22,1 and 16,9%, γ-globulins by 24,4 and 21,4%, respectively. Drinking high-quality colostrum (Brix over 24) contributed to an increase in average daily gains in calves of the 1st and 2nd experimental groups by 18,2 and 20,2%. The use of immunostimulating drugs Salus-P-E and Bovistim-K increases the immunocompetent properties of colostrum, which contributes to the formation of a high level of colostral immunity in the body of newborn calves, reducing morbidity and improving growth and survival rates.