Diabatic representation of coupled potential energy surfaces and their scalar couplings provides a compact and convenient starting point for dynamics calculations carried out in either the adiabatic or diabatic representation. In a previous paper we presented a general, path-independent scheme, called the fourfold way, for calculating diabatic surfaces and their scalar couplings from adiabatic surfaces and electronic density matrices such that the manifold of diabatic states spans the variationally optimized space of a finite number of adiabatic states. In the present paper we extend that scheme in these ways: (1) We show how to include dynamical electronic correlation energy by multireference perturbation theory or configuration interaction based on a complete active reference space. (2) We present a more general strategy for treating rearrangements. (3) We present consistency criteria for testing the validity of the assumptions for a particular choice of reference geometries, diabatic molecular orbital (DMO) ordering, dominant configuration-state-function lists, and choice(s) for reference DMO(s) for systems involving rearrangements. The first extension is illustrated by multiconfiguration quasidegenerate perturbation theory (MC-QDPT) calculations on LiF, and all three extensions are illustrated by MC-QDPT calculations on the reaction Li(2 2S,2 2P)+HF→LiF+H.
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