Nanochannels with controllable gating behavior are attractive features in a wide range of nanofluidic applications including viral detection, particle sorting, and flow regulation. Here, we use selective sidewall functionalization of nanochannels with a polyelectrolyte brush to investigate the channel gating response to variations in solution pH and ionic strength. The conformational and structural changes of the interfacial brush layer within the channels are interrogated by specular and off-specular neutron reflectometry. Simultaneous fits of the specular and off-specular signals, using a dynamical theory model and a fitting optimization protocol, enable detailed characterization of the brush conformations and corresponding channel geometry under different solution conditions. Our results indicate a collapsed brush state under basic pH, equivalent to an open gate, and an expanded brush state representing a partially closed gate upon decreasing the pH and salt concentration. These findings open new possibilities in noninvasive in situ characterization of tunable nanofluidics and lab-on-chip devices with advanced designs and improved functionality.