Formulation of the problem. Spectrally efficient signals have become the basis of various radio interfaces in recent decades. Having several advantages in the occupied frequency band compared to phase shift keyed (PSK) signals, they are successfully used in mobile communication systems (GSM), and also find application in space communication and navigation systems. Recent studies in the field of "design" of spread spectrum signals (SSS) with PSK have shown the promise of using atomic functions (AF) to modernize the shape of the chip of video signal pseudo-random sequences (PRS), thus, the logical continuation is the approbation of atomic shapes of chips in the synthesis of continuous phase (CP) frequency shift keying (FSK) SSS, potentially providing bandwidth savings, which is a relevant scientific and applied task with a wide range of practical utility. Target. Present new spectral efficient formats of CPFSK signals generated by pseudo-random up- and fup-video signals based on chips from AF up(t ) and fup(t ) instead of rect-chips, as well as based on modification of the PRS filtering function, evaluate the spectral and correlation properties and advantages of new CPFSK-up(fup)-SSS; provide a comparative analysis of new CPFSK-SSS with widely used spectral efficient minimum shift keying (MSK) signals and their Gaussian variations (GMSK). Results. On the basis of pseudo-random up(fup) video signals generated by AF up(t ) and fup(t ), respectively, new spectrally efficient CPFSK-SSS formats are designed. Spectral and correlation illustrations of new signals are presented, estimates of their spectral efficiency are given and it is shown that they have better or parity indicators in terms of energy concentration in a fixed frequency band compared to MSK and GMSK. Practical significance. The new proposed spectrally efficient formats of CPFSK-SSS have the most important property in the form of the requirement of a smaller band of occupied frequencies at a single clock frequency of the generating video signal PRS, which makes it possible to put them into practice in information-measuring and communication radio electronic systems, in which high compactness of the spectrum and low level of side lobes are important.
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