Introduction Issues of development of LP of the employees in the agrarian sector acquire a special urgency due to the need to develop a new concept of reproductive labor resource that would meet the socio-economic and geopolitical interests of Russia. The article presents the analysis of the LP evaluation methodologies and development of the auctorial computation methodology of the LP evaluation of the rural population. The term "rural" designates the territorial belonging; however, rural-type settlements do not always coincide with the administrative boundaries or the location of a certain economic sector, which limits some approaches to the clustering of regions. In this respect, the term "rural territories" is used more often. In the Conception of Sustainable Development of the RF for the period until 2020 this term is defined as follows: the territories out of cities' borders that include territories of rural-type settlements and inter-settlement territories (The Conception of Sustainable Development of Rural Territories of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, 2010). Rural territories experts, in particular, recognize a special (specific) type of territories that includes merely rural (agricultural) as well as individual urban settlements (small towns of rural type, towns, etc.) being immediately interconnected with them, where, firstly, employment in the agri-food complex system is prevalent in the production industries, and, secondly, stable, active pendulum labor movements (labor exchange) in the city-village system are observed (prevail) (Novikov, Zhubarkin and Chalyi, 2013: 140; Breckova, 2016; Thalassinos et al., 2012; Havhcek et al., 2013; Liapis et al., 2013; Frank et al., 2016). In the modern context the problem of searching for, development and realization of internal reserves of the country, production and LP of people (population) becomes urgent. In view of this, it is necessary, first of all, to update the components and the methods of LP evaluation taking into account, firstly, the development of economic researches methodology as a whole, and, then, the modern global and national trends in the development of the socio-economic system at large. The raised problem suggests addressing to one of the fundamental categories of the labor economics--"labor potential" category as applied to the level of the region. The LP of the region is most commonly understood as a complex of properties, capabilities, and the regional labor force for exercising labor activity under the conditions of attained level of economics development. The LP of a region shows the development level of the region labor force capacity to a certain work (Alieva and Mirzabalaeva, 2012: 18; Bashmakov et al., 2015). The LP of a region includes characteristics of the able-bodied part of its population that is capable for the productive labor in a logical connection with the educative and professional structure as well as its capability of the maximum production of goods and services, which will be in demand under the given conditions of the market environment. Therefore, the LP is a culminating form of the human resources capabilities implementation in the region (Zinovyev and Shchetinin, 2014; Hani El-Chaarani, 2014). Analysis of the researchers' viewpoints with respect to the essence and content-related characteristics of the LP allows to note a certain synergetic nature of this phenomenon that suggests not only a sum of the qualitative and quantitative parameters of human resources of a territory considered in the potential aspect, but also evolution of principally new features of the whole socio-economic system. The differentiation of the socio-economic development of regions for a variety of criteria dictates the need to clarify the categories "employment potential of the rural population", "quality of LP of the population of rural areas" that have made it possible to reflect the regional specifics. …