Multi-infeed LCC-HVDC decreases voltage stability margins due to its current source nature. Moreover, the high penetration of variable renewable energy makes it difficult to reserve enough margins for all periods. Therefore, voltage stability constraints need to be considered in the scheduling stage. However, the challenge is that the voltage stability margin is not analytic with respect to state variables. We propose a sparse support vector machine to extract the nonlinear voltage stability rule. To embed the rule into economic dispatch (ED), we apply a convex reformulating technique to the rule and then formulate a voltage stability constrained ED (VSCED) model by semi-definite programming. The model is tested on a modified IEEE-14 system and a real-world system from Jiangsu Province, China; and it is compared with other typical data-driven-based models in the Jiangsu system. The numerical experiments suggest that the stability margins can be effectively reserved above the required threshold within an acceptable computation time by the proposed VSCED model, which outperforms the other models.
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