This part of the volume contains the papers accepted for presentation at the fifth workshop on Computability and Complexity in Analysis, CCA 2002, which took place on July 12-13, 2002 in Málaga, Spain. It was co-located with ICALP 2002, the 29th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming. Both events were hosted by the Computer Science Department of the University of Málaga, Spain.The workshop is concerned with the theory of computability and complexity over the real numbers which is built on the Turing machine model. This theory was initiated by Turing, Grzegorczyk, Lacombe, Banach and Mazur, and after a long period of slow development has seen rapid growth in recent years. Newcomers can find introductions in the books by Pour-El/Richards, Ko, and Weihrauch.Until recently, most work in computability and complexity concentrated on problems over discrete structures, and many computer scientists do not know much about computable real functions. Maybe, for this reason problems including real number computation have been neglected, avoided or even ignored by the majority of computer scientists.Although still many even basic questions are unsettled, meanwhile a rich toolkit has been developed for numerous applications of computer science requiring real number computation like image processing, computational geometry, dynamical systems, hybrid systems and, last but not least, numerical mathematics and scientific computation.These proceedings contain 18 papers on different areas of computable analysis which range from recursion theoretic aspects to exact geometric computations. The workshop has been enriched by a demonstration of systems for exact real computation.We would like to thank the authors for their contributions, the program committee and the additional referees for their careful work and the local organizers for their assistance.June, 2002 Vasco Brattka Matthias Schröder Klaus WeihrauchProgram Committee•Peter Hertling (Hagen, Germany)•Ker-I Ko (Stony Brook, USA)•Marian Pour-El (Minnesota, USA)•Ludwig Staiger (Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)•John V. Tucker (Swansea, Wales)•Klaus Weihrauch, chair (Hagen, Germany)•Mariko Yasugi (Kyoto Sangyo, Japan)•Xizhong Zheng (Cottbus, Germany)•Ning Zhong (Cincinnati, USA)Organizing Committee•Vasco Brattka (Hagen, Germany)•Matthias Schröder (Hagen, Germany)Demonstration•Norbert Müller (Trier, Germany)
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