In this paper, we proved decay properties of solutions to the Stokes equations with surface tension and gravity in the half space $\mathbf{R}_{+}^{N}=\{(x',x_N)\mid x'\in\mathbf{R}^{N-1},\ x_N>0\}$ $(N\geq 2)$. In order to prove the decay properties, we first show that the zero points $\lambda_\pm$ of Lopatinskii determinant for some resolvent problem associated with the Stokes equations have the asymptotics: $\lambda_\pm=\pm i c_g^{1/2}|\xi'|^{1/2} -2|\xi'|^2+O(|\xi'|^{5/2})$ as $|\xi'|\to0$, where $c_g>0$ is the gravitational acceleration and $\xi'\in\mathbf{R}^{N-1}$ is the tangential variable in the Fourier space. We next shift the integral path in the representation formula of the Stokes semi-group to the complex left half-plane by Cauchy's integral theorem, and then it is decomposed into closed curves enclosing $\lambda_\pm$ and the remainder part. We finally see, by the residue theorem, that the low frequency part of the solution to the Stokes equations behaves like the convolution of the $(N-1)$-dimensional heat kernel and $\mathcal{F}_{\xi'}^{-1}[e^{\pm i c_g^{1/2}|\xi'|^{1/2}t}](x')$ formally, where $\mathcal{F}_{\xi'}^{-1}$ is the inverse Fourier transform with respect to $\xi'$. However, main task in our approach is to show that the remainder part in the above decomposition decay faster than the residue part.
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