
The Stokes wave is a finite-amplitude periodic gravity wave propagating with constant velocity in an inviscid fluid. The complex analytical structure of the Stokes wave is analysed using a conformal mapping of a free fluid surface of the Stokes wave onto the real axis with the fluid domain mapped onto the lower complex half-plane. There is one square root branch point per spatial period of the Stokes wave located in the upper complex half-plane at a distance $v_{c}$ from the real axis. The increase of Stokes wave height results in $v_{c}$ approaching zero with the limiting Stokes wave formation at $v_{c}=0$. The limiting Stokes wave has a $2/3$ power-law singularity forming a $2{\rm\pi}/3$ radians angle on the crest which is qualitatively different from the square root singularity valid for arbitrary small but non-zero $v_{c}$, making the limit of zero $v_{c}$ highly non-trivial. That limit is addressed by crossing a branch cut of a square root into the second and subsequently higher sheets of the Riemann surface to find coupled square root singularities at distances $\pm v_{c}$ from the real axis at each sheet. The number of sheets is infinite and the analytical continuation of the Stokes wave into all of these sheets is found together with the series expansion in half-integer powers at singular points within each sheet. It is conjectured that a non-limiting Stokes wave at the leading order consists of an infinite number of nested square root singularities which also implies the existence in the third and higher sheets of additional square root singularities away from the real and imaginary axes. These nested square roots form a $2/3$ power-law singularity of the limiting Stokes wave as $v_{c}$ vanishes.

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