Abstract. Increasing the eff ectiveness of treatment of infected wounds is an extremely urgent problem, which, despite signifi cant achievements, is far from a fi nal solution. The development of new methods of local impact on wounds, especially laser irradiation and evaluation of its eff ectiveness, are promising.The aim of the study. To evaluate the eff ectiveness of using low-intensity laser irradiation in the complex treatment of wounds.The object of the study was 10 patients with wounds of the lower extremities. Among the examined were 6 men and 4 women aged from 48 to 83 years. 6 patients had type 2 diabetes; in 4 – CHD, obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities. All patients involved in the study signed the appropriate informed consent.The complex treatment of all patients included irradiation of the wound with a low-intensity laser (B-Cure Laser); with a power of 250 mW; wavelength 808 nM; with a pulse frequency of 15 kHz; with a pulse duration of 17 μs with an energy of 3.75 Joule/min; with a spot of radiation 45Ч10 mm, lasting 3 minutes around the perimeter of the wound edges and 1 minute on the wound bed. The wound area was measured using the «IntimoMeasure» program. All patients underwent microbiological and cytological examination of smearsprints from the wound on days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10.Research results. It has been established that the use of low-intensity laser irradiation of the wound has a positive eff ect on the wound healing process.As early as 2-3 days after the start of treatment, the amount of discharge from the wound signifi cantly decreased, the amount of necrotic tissue decreased, and the demarcation line was clearly defi ned. A decrease in the number of necrotic tissues and microorganisms, an increase in the number of leukocytes, monocytes, macrophages, and plasma cells was noted in the smears.After 4-6 days, signs of granulation formation appeared, the number of lymphocytes, macrophages, and plasma cells increased. The concentration of microorganisms did not exceed 10Ч2-3 CFU/ml. At 7-8 days, most of the wounds were without signs of necrotic tissue, granulation tissue increased intensively, signs of connective tissue formation, epithelization from the edges of the wound appeared.On 9-10 days, most of the wounds were represented by granulation tissue with pronounced proliferation of the epithelium at the edges of the wound. During the fi rst three days, the area of the wound decreased by almost 17 % compared to the initial size, and from the 7th day it did not exceed 60 % of the initial level.Conclusions. 1. Low-intensity laser irradiation of wounds against the background of complex drug therapy is an eff ective method of treatment, promotes rapid cleansing of wounds, intensive development of granulations, accelerates epithelization. 2. Availability, ease of use and absolute safety allow recommending this method for use in complex wound treatment.
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