The brittle carapace overlying a prograding metamorphic belt embraces the transition between a hydrostatically pressured near-surface fluid regime and the near-lithostatic fluid pressures characterising prograde metamorphism at depth, with the lower portion of the carapace acting as a low permeability barrier. During exhumation, the base of the carapace migrates downwards into the core of a cooling orogen. Mesozonal gold-quartz vein systems hosted in fault-fracture meshes (comprising low-displacement shears interlinked with hydraulic extension fractures) may develop towards the base of, or within, the brittle carapace. Such mesh structures, `self-generated' by the infiltration of overpressured fluids at pressures locally exceeding the least principal compressive stress (i.e. P f> σ 3), form high-permeability conduits for episodic large-volume fluid discharge by fault-valve action. These concepts are explored principally through comparison of gold-quartz vein systems hosted in fault-fracture meshes within the Bendigo–Ballarat zone of the Paleozoic Lachlan Fold Belt in Victoria, Australia, with those developed within the Mesozoic Otago Schists of southern New Zealand. The stress state within the carapace critically affects the containment of overpressured fluids within the mid-crust and the mode of fluid release. Fluids are most easily trapped beneath the carapace in compressional–transpressional regimes where the highest levels of overpressuring may be attained. Supralithostatic fluid pressures may then develop locally beneath permeability barriers over depth intervals determined by the tensile strength of sealing horizons. Mesh development is favoured by heterogeneity and high competence contrast between adjacent rock units but is inhibited by the presence of low-cohesion faults that are favourably oriented for reactivation within the carapace stress field, because such faults reactivate in shear at fluid pressure levels less than those required for hydraulic extension fracturing. Attainment of extreme overpressures ( P f> σ 3) and the formation of high-permeability meshes in any given stress regime therefore requires either intact crust (perhaps reconstituted through metamorphism), or crust where faults have become severely misoriented in the prevailing stress field through progressive deformation. In this latter case, the existing faults may be reactivated by the extreme overpressure and incorporated into the mesh structure. The combination of these circumstances explains why mesh structures associated with steep reverse faults promote particularly vigorous fault-valve action and form good mineralising sites. Major episodes of fluid loss and mineralisation may, however, also be effected by an abrupt transition from a compressional to an extensional stress field, as occurred locally within the Juneau gold-belt of SE Alaska.
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