The number of people with disabilities is constantly growing, althoughits causes and consequences may be different. Accordingto the UN, every fourth family in the world faces disability, thetotal number of people with disabilities on the planet is 600 millionpeople, and more than a quarter of them are children (inparticular, in Ukraine there are more than 160 thousand childrenwith disabilities up to 16 years). In recent years, in connectionwith the change in the Concept of Disability, the rehabilitationof the disabled has become a conscious basis for social policy. Themain direction of this policy was the comprehensive (medical, psychologicaland social) rehabilitation of the disabled. It is comprehensiverehabilitation that returns a disabled person to a full andnormal life. A well-thought-out system of rehabilitation measuresis able to almost completely return this category of people to theusual way and rhythm of life. But without taking into account thepersonal characteristics of the disabled person and assessing hisresource capabilities, it is impossible to build an effective systemof rehabilitation measures that can return a person to a full life.A person’s disability limits his or her participation in active activities.Such person is detached from many life events that areimportant for his formation as a person. This affects his vision ofhimself, the adequacy of self-esteem. Inadequate, low self-esteemsignificantly affects human behavior. His self-doubt reduces his chances of success. Due to health restrictions, a sick person considershimself or herself an inferior person. In particular, thisapplies to communication with other people. Insufficient level ofdevelopment of compensatory abilities, reduced level of adaptivepotential, presence of interpersonal conflicts, uncertainty of lifeplans and attitudes, inability to fully integrate into society, feelingsof inferiority and inability of people with disabilities againstthe background of their desire for self-actualization and selfactualization.personal and socio-psychological problems. Therefore,the study of psychological characteristics and dynamics ofpersonal changes in people with disabilities, as well as the implementationof qualified psychological support of this category,is one of the pressing issues at the present stage of society, insocial policy, in the rehabilitation of this category. The problemof the relationship of somatic and mental components, the relationshipbetween the systems of bodily organization and mentalformations of the individual is one of the leading problems inthe psychology of corporality. The subject of self-perception andself-esteem of the individual is his own body, his own abilities,his own social relations, as well as many personal manifestations.In a number of studies (O. T. Sokolova, A. Yu. Rozhdestvensky,M. Powell, V. M. Kunitsyna, A. Lowen, T. Cash) the body imageis considered as a complex structural formation, which includescognitive, emotional evaluation and regulatory components. Considerationof psychological factors is important at all stages oftreatment and rehabilitation of patients and people with disabilities.The most important psychological aspects are the attitude tothe disease and the peculiarities of the psycho-emotional sphere.However, the problem of psychological characteristics of peoplewith disabilities is insufficiently covered. Analysis of scientificsources shows that, despite the significant amount of theoreticalresearch on this problem, special attention needs to be paid to thedevelopment of psycho-correctional and rehabilitation techniquesand techniques that would promote psychological adaptation, betterresults and effective rehabilitation.The purpose of the article is to show the psychological pecularitiesof the personal sphere of people with disabling diseases, tocharacterize the psychological aspect of working with people withdisabilities due to a disabling disease.Research methods: to solve certain problems we used a set ofmethods due to the object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study: theoretical — analysis, systematization and generalizationof modern scientific and empirical research on the problem ofpsychological work with people with disabilities; empirical — observation,questionnaire, testing, observational experiment, duringwhich various research methods were used: self-assessmentof personality (SAP), which characterizes the parameters of wellbeing,activity and mood of the individual; method “Rehabilitationpotential of the individual” author’s development I. Yu.Kulagina and L. V. Senkevich 2011; TOBOL method, which diagnosesthe type of attitude to the disease; methods of diagnosisof socio-psychological adaptation of K. Rogers and R. Diamond;methods of multifactor study of the personality of R. Kettel toassess personal psychological characteristics; questionnaires todetermine the level of rehabilitation potential and the level ofadaptive capabilities of the individual “Adaptability” A. G. Maklakova;methods for assessing quality of life.The scientific novelty of the research is that it specifies theknowledge about the psychological characteristics of peoplewith disabling diseases; scientific ideas about the peculiaritiesof the personal sphere of persons of this category were furtherdeveloped.The theoretical significance of the research is to expand scientificknowledge and ideas about the pecularities of the process ofrehabilitation and adaptation of persons with functional limitationsas a result of disabling diseases.
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