The article is devoted to historical and legal analysis of the organization and activity of judicial bodies in Galicia in the composition of Austria and Austro-Hungary (1772–1918). The activities of gentry, church and city courts in the first years of the Austrian authorities in Galicia are characterized. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the organization of county district courts as well as the Highest district court in Lviv in the composition of Austria and Austria-Hungary. It is noted that the district court in Lviv consisted of the following departments: management of civil court deposits, the court office, the management of soil books, the management of prisons, the sanitary service, priests, court interpreters, chemists, lustrators, land surveyors, appraisers of land estates, buildings with industrial facilities, buildings in Lviv, examination in matters of print and publishing, notaries and the notary chamber in Lviv, lawyers and the chamber of lawyers in Lviv. Other county courts as well as District court in Chernivtsi did not differ significantly from Lviv district court. The county court in Sambir extended its jurisdiction over «mountain» cases to the Sambir, Syanotsky, Przemysl, Stryi, Lviv and Zhovkva regions. At the same time, there were doctors, notaries, trade senators, appraisers of estates, appraisers of mines, earthmover, translator, appraisers of houses and urban areas, appraisers of haberdashery and «Nuremberg» goods, appraisers of joiner’s products and, finally, an expert chemist. Other county courts sometimes had other appraisers (of sewing products, drinks, etc.). In such a form, district courts existed before their liquidation in 1918. It is shown that the revolution of 1848 in the Austrian Empire initiated the process of reforming the judicial system. Transformations were bourgeois and aimed at finally separating the court from administration, liquidating civil courts, abolishing «self-governing» city courts, making all courts public, and thus strengthening state power. The principles of the implementation of judicial reform in the final stages of separating the judiciary from administrative bodies are emphasized. It is noted that in 1849, after the proclamation of the March Constitution, the law on the restructuring of the judicial system was adopted, under which the jurors, district courts and county collegial courts were introduced. The reorganization of the judiciary in the Austrian empire took place on the basis of the Court Statute of 1849, extended to Galicia and Bukovyna in 1850. Both of these areas were divided into judicial districts, in which district courts were created. There were several district courts in the administrative district. In Galicia, consequently, 218 judicial districts were created, and district, county courts, as well as the Highest district court in Lviv were organized. It is also stated that the Austrian Constitution of 1867 restored the jury (abolished in 1852). The Criminal Procedure Code of 1873 referred to their competence 22 types of serious criminal offenses (punished by imprisonment of at least 5 years) and 9 crimes of a political nature. The jury (12 persons) acted in the district and county courts.
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