Investigations of molecular structures by nuclear magnetic resonance have, for the most part, relied on interpreting spectral parameters such as chemical shifts and spin couplings. A more direct approach can be based on the determination of extended coupling networks. When the coupling networks include nuclei which are in no way coupled to one another but do share a common coupling partner then new information is gained which can aid in both structural determination and in the assignment of resonances (1, 2). An example of this approach is the correlation of the chemical shifts of carbon13 nuclei with not only the directly coupled neighbor protons but to those remote protons coupled to the neighbor protons. Adjacent carbon sites in a molecule can be identified since their coupling networks overlap. The experiment might be thought of as an extension of two-dimensional chemical shift correlation spectroscopy (3, 4) which uses a heteronuclear spy to report on those protons which are directly coupled to the heteronucleus (5, 6). In the experiment presented below the heteronuclear spy reports not only on the directly coupled protons but those protons coupled to the directly coupled protons. The procedure will be referred to as relayed coherence transfer as it is based on relaying the spectral information about the remote nuclei through a neighbor to the heteronucleus. The basic idea which allows the observation of the remote protons via the heteronucleus is the merging of two, or more, distinct coherence transfer processes. In the example presented here the first coherence transfer process is between protons, which is then followed by a heteronuclear transfer. A two-coherence transfer experiment is most easily illustrated by considering the case of an AMX spin system with the heteronuclear coupling JAX vanishing and with JMx being much larger than JAM as is typically the case for proton-proton and proton-carbon13 couplings. The pulse sequence used to do the coherence transfers is shown in Fig. 1. The first two proton pulses, separated by a time t,, transfer coherence from A to M spins, among other pathways, as occurs in a homonuclear correlation experiment (7, 8). Once the magnetization has been passed from the remote A spin to the neighbor M spin it can then be relayed to the heteronucleus. The heteronuclear transfer occurs with the proton and carbon-13 pulses at the end of the time t, + fu. The time r, + tH is chosen so that the multiplets which are out of phase with
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