The object of the study is the coefficients of asymmetry and excess of the selective distribution of hazardous parameters of the gas environment during material fires. The practical importance of the research lies in the use of measures of asymmetry and kurtosis for early detection of fires. The measures of asymmetry and kurtosis for sampling the final size of an arbitrary dangerous parameter of the gas environment are substantiated. The proposed measures make it possible to investigate the peculiarities of the coefficients of asymmetry and kurtosis in relation to the selective distribution of an arbitrary dangerous parameter of the gas environment. At the same time, it becomes possible to numerically determine the degree of difference of the sample distributions of dangerous parameters from the Gaussian, as well as the features of such measures. Experiments were conducted to determine the degree of asymmetry and excess of dangerous parameters of the gas environment in the laboratory chamber at the intervals of the absence and presence of ignition of the test materials. The obtained results indicate that on the intervals of absence and presence of fires, the selective distributions of dangerous parameters of the gas environment differ from the Gaussian distribution. Distributions are complex and individual in nature. Features of measures of asymmetry and kurtosis depend on the type of ignition material. It was established that the maximum values of the modulus of increase in the degree of asymmetry are characteristic for the carbon monoxide concentration (2.939) during the ignition of paper, for the smoke density (3.098) during the ignition of textiles, as well as for the temperature during the ignition of alcohol (7.163) and wood (1.06). It was determined that the maximum values of the modulus of excess measure increase are characteristic for smoke density (4.678) when paper, wood (1.652) and textiles (28.932) ignite, as well as for temperature (49.377) when alcohol ignites
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