A 72-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because of muscle pain, stiffness involving the neck, shoulders and limbs, and joint pain. He was well until one month earlier, when high fever and myalgia appeared. The pain was worse with active motion and it was difficult for him to get around. Fatigue and malaise were prominent. He lost 5kg in one month.On examination, general phisical findings were unremarkable except for high fever, myalgia and joint pain. His right wrist was slightly swollen. The temporal arteries were normal.Laboratory data proved no muscle damage (GOT 27 IU/1, CPK 45 IU/1, aldolase 1.9mU/ml). ESR was 70mm in 1hour. WBC was 11, 800/cumm. Total protein was 7.5g/dl. Serum protein electrophoresis revealed an increase of α2-globulin to 14.1%. Circulating immune complexes were detected by means of Clq binding assay, while CH50 was slightly elevated. RAtest, HBsAg, HBsAb and HB immune complex were all negative. Biopsy of the left quadoriceps femoris muscle revealed slightly inflammatory cells surrounding arterioles. Biopsy of the right temporal artery revealed atherosclerotic change, but no evidence for giant cell arteritis was found.The above findings are compatible with polymyalgia rheumatica. He was started on predonine (30 mg/day). His response to the therapy was dramatic and predonine was gradually decreased in dosage Two weeks of predonine therapy resulted in a marked improvement of his myalgia, and other symptoms disappeared. Circulating immune complexes dropped gradually after treatment.
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