
A conglutinin binding assay has been used to detect circulating immune complexes (CIC) containing IgA, IgG, or IgM in sera from patients with IgA nephropathy. IgA class CIC were detected in 40.7% of patient. IgG class CIC were detected only in patients with glomercular IgG deposits. IgM class CIC were detected more often in patients with glomerular IgM deposits than in patients without glomerular IgM deposits. These results demonstrate an association between the immunoglobulin in CIC and those in glomerular deposits. CIC were not detected in sera from most patients with IgA nephropathy by a Clq binding assay, however, since this assay does not detect IgA class CIC. Immunoelectronmicroscopic studies of IgA nephropathy have shown that C3 deposits are localized to the same areas as IgA deposits. In conclusion, we suggest that mesangial IgA deposits are composed of immune complexes and may be derived from CIC.

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