In modern surgery it is generally accepted that successful kidney transplantation restores the quality of life for a significant proportion of patients with terminal chronic renal failure and provides them with the medical and social rehabilitation. The first successful kidney transplantation from a asystilic donor in Kazakhstan was accomplished on April 17th, 1979. Total for this period there were more than 600 transplants of donor kidneys accomplished, 46 kidney transplantations accomplished from related donors, 7 - autotransplontation of kidney and more than 40 kidney transplantations at children aged 6 to 18 years. Survival of renal transplant during the first year now stands at 81%, while the number of acute intractable rejection crises tends to decrease and nowadays is 7.8%. In addition to clinical kidney transplantation, NSCS after A.N. Syzganov develops a direction of the heart and liver transplantation in the experiment and in the clinic. The number of patients having terminal chronic renal insufficiency in the country tends to a constant growth in 2011 over a year on renal replacement therapy there are more than 1,800 patients - 65 per 1 million of population, mortality on the transplantation waiting list is 35.4%. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and Kazakhstan gaining its sovereignty, a legislative vacuum arose; including issues of organ and tissue transplantation due to what, along with the solving medical issues, there was a need for a legislative framework for the creation of conditions of work in organ donation. As a result of profound analysis of existing precedents in the world based on the provision on the organ transplantation of the World Health Organization, the draft law regulating the transplantation of organs and tissues in Republic was developed. Code of the Republic has a chapter on “Transplantation of tissues and (or) of (parts of)” c introduced the article “Transplantation of tissues and (or) of organs (parts of organs) and the condition of their withdrawal,” which includes Paragraph: 1. Transplantation donor of organs and tissues can be a person, the corpse of man, and animal. 2. Forced withdrawal of organs and tissues and their transplantation is not allowed. 3. The order of organ and tissue transplantation from one person to another, from the corpse of a man and from animals to humans is established by the Ministry of Health. The source of donor organ for heterotopic allotransplantation in the Republic of Kazakhstan can be living or cadaveric donor, and in the case of using a living donor the legislation of the Republic allows transplantation only from the related donor, and only in public health facilities. The main criterion for a related donation is to guarantee its security and obtaining optimal renal transplant.
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