This research described the Implementation of Remote Indigenous Community Empowerment Program Policy in Maudemu Village, Lamaknen Subdistrict, Belu District. This qualitative research focused on investigating the; (1) Standards and policy objectives, (2) Implementation resources, (3) Communication between organizations and program enhancement, (4) Characteristics of the implementing agencies, (5) Disposition of implementers, (6) Environmental social, economic and political conditions. This research was conducted in Maudemu Village, Lamaknen Subdistrict, Belu District which location was selected using a purposive technique (based on certain considerations). Research data were in the forms of primary and secondary data collected through interviews, documentation and observation. The data were obtained from various data sources including from people, documents and events. The obtained data were then analyzed using a data analysis technique proposed by Bogdan & Biklen (in Moleong, 2001: 9). The results of this research showed that; (1) the main problems experienced by RIC residents in Maudemu Village, Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara were; (a) Limitations in meeting basic needs, including clothing, food and shelter; (b) Limitations in accessing various services provided by the government, including education, health, public administration, religious facilities and clean water services; (c) Inadequate mother and children welfare. (2) The implementation of the Empowerment Program for Remote Indigenous Community in the Maudemu village of Lamaknen sub-district could not meet the predetermined qualifications. However, some actions carried out have been appropriate to bring better changes, especially in improving the life and welfare of the remote indigenous communities. . Key Words: Implementation, Policy, Program, Empowerment, Village, Indigenous DOI : 10.7176/PPAR/9-12-09 Publication date: December 31 st 2019
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