AbstractThe introduction of precise pore defects into nanocarbon structures results in the emergence of distinct physicochemical characteristics. However, there is a lack of research on non‐planar chiral nanographene involving precise pore defects. Herein, we have developed two analogues to the π‐extended pentadecabenzo[9]helicene (EP9H) containing embedded pore defects. Each molecules, namely extended dodecabenzo[7]helicene (ED7H; 1) or extended nonabenzo[5]helicene (EN5H; 2), exhibits dual‐state emission. Significantly, the value of |glum| of 1 is exceptionally high at 1.41×10−2 in solution and BCPL as 254 M−1 cm−1. In PMMA film, |glum| of 1 is 8.56×10−3, and in powder film, it is 5.00×10−3. This study demonstrates that nanocarbon molecules with pore defects exhibit dual‐state emission properties while maintaining quite good chiral luminescence properties. It was distinguished from the aggregation‐caused quenching (ACQ) effect corresponding to the nanocarbon without embedded defect. Incorporating pore defects into chiral nanocarbon molecules also simplifies the synthesis process and enhances the solubility of the resulting product. These findings suggest that the introduction of pore defects can be a viable approach to improve nanocarbon molecules.
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