Both in-phase (core wide mode) instability and out-of-phase (regional mode) instability are of great concerns in BWR stability issues. Normally, decay ratios for regional mode oscillations are much less than those under core wide conditions. However, under certain observation mode, the regional mode instability has the phenomenon of power increasing in one half of the core and at the same time, it decrease in the other half, so it looks like that the average power remains essentially constant. This research presents a study of fractional change of decay ratio to evaluate parametric effects of regional mode instability on reload core design power/flow stability boundary for the Chinshan Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 Cycle 21 (BWR4). Making use of LAPUR5.2 and SIMULATE-3 codes, we have established a methodology to conduct such out-of-phase stability analysis. Many important parameters, such as system pressure, core flow rates, moderator void fraction, fuel physical and geometrical properties, have strong influences on regional mode stability. Current investigations have shown that at some operation points along the stability boundary, certain parameters present more sensitive characteristics.
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