179 Background: The safe delivery of chemotherapy is of utmost importance to patients, health care providers and systems administrators. Cancer Care Ontario and the Program for Evidence-Based Care published two guidelines addressing issues of chemotherapy safety: Safe Handling of Parenteral Cytotoxics (Safe Handling) in 2007 and Key Components of Chemotherapy Labeling (Safe Labeling) in 2009. Concordance with the two documents was evaluated across systemic treatment hospitals in Ontario in order to direct quality improvement initiatives. Methods: Since 2009, concordance with Safe Handling has been assessed annually by self-reported questionnaire as part of the regular provincial performance review process. In 2011, concordance with Safe Labeling was assessed by submission and scoring of five standardized chemotherapy labels demonstrating core and additional criteria. Core criteria included patient and drug information, administration information, as well as adherence to other guidelines related to abbreviations and units of measurement. Individualized regional scorecards were compiled highlighting areas of discordance and then used to develop improvement plans. Results: As of October 2011, 98% of Ontario hospitals providing chemotherapy had updated policies and procedures in place for the safe handling of cytotoxics, significantly improved compared to a baseline of 77% in 2009. Baseline evaluation of Safe Labeling performed in 2011 showed a provincial average of 64% concordance for core criteria and 63% for additional criteria. Regionally, concordance scores ranged from 55% to 80% for core criteria and 38% to 75% for additional criteria. Conclusions: Concordance with safety practice guidelines has the potential to improve significantly with continued measurement and performance management. A baseline assessment serves to identify areas for quality and process improvements. Continued evaluation of guideline concordance is necessary in order to achieve the desired target rate for the province.
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