Automation of production processes, which is widely used at foreign enterprises and largely reduces the labor intensity of products, is of particular relevance. In addition, in some cases, the installation of more productive equipment leads to a reduction in its quantity and allows you to partially free up production space. Technical re-equipment should concern, first of all, those workshops and production areas where cost reduction will be of greatest importance.The reasons for the need for technical re-equipment of small machining enterprises can be grouped in the following areas:- increasing the technological stability of production;- reduction of production cycles of parts and assembly units, acceleration of the turnover of investments;- reduction of terms and cost of preparation of production;- reduction of labor intensity, reduction of production costs;- reduction of rejects and costs for the restoration of defective products;- reducing the cost of upgrading and repairing equipment.The success of the enterprise, its competitiveness in market conditions, largely depends on how the issue of managing costs in the process of production and sale of products is resolved. It is especially important to re-solve this issue in the case of a diversified nature of production. The research methodology in this work will be the use of the SMED equipment changeover system to save time in the production of multi-product parts. If the changeover process takes very little time, it can be carried out as often as required. This, in turn, means that if we manufacture products in small batches, we can get many advantages: flexibility, fast delivery, productivity, high quality.The enterprise can meet the changing needs of customers without the overhead of stockpiling. Manufacturing in small batches will reduce the time spent preparing the order for shipment, as well as the time the customer waits for the required product. Accordingly, the likelihood of damage to products is reduced, since their stor-age time is reduced. The volume of production rejects is also reduced due to fewer errors during setup and trial runs of equipment.
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