Every commercial lithium-ion cell made by winding or stacking electrodes uses tape to secure the jelly roll. Recently, it has been shown that lithium-ion cell jelly roll tape is often made out of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)1 and can dissolve into dimethyl terephthalate (DMT), a redox shuttle capable of inducing self-discharge unless effective electrolyte additives are present.2 This is due to ester bonds in PET that are susceptible to methanolysis via methanol and lithium methoxide. that are created in situ during battery operation from dimethyl carbonate (DMC), a ubiquitous solvent used in lithium-ion battery cells’ electrolytes. Effective electrolyte additives suppress the production of methanol and lithium methoxide from DMC, reducing the depolymerization of PET. However, the quantity of electrolyte additives used in commercial cells is low (1-3 wt%), and it has been shown that when ≤2 wt% of vinylene carbonate (VC) is used, most of it will be consumed during the first 200 h of operation.3 Thus, PET and any other polymer with a similar structure could become susceptible to methanolysis over long-term cycling.Other polymers with a similar chemical structure to PET are also often used in battery manufacturing. Examples include polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or polyethylene naphthalene (PEN), used in cylindrical cell gaskets4 or metalized polymer current collectors5–7, respectively. Due to their chemical structure being similar to PET, it is reasonable to assume that these polymers might also be susceptible to depolymerization during battery operation, if no effective additives are used. However, in these two use cases, the risk of depolymerization does not only affect self-discharge but also cell safety. If a cell gasket or current collector dissolves during battery operation, this could lead to serious battery safety hazards, e.g., leaks or internal shorts.This study investigates the chemical stability of the most common polymers used in inactive components of commercial lithium-ion cells, e.g., pouch foils, adhesive tapes1, separators8, gaskets4, and metalized polymer current collectors5–7. The chemically stable and safe polymers to use in batteries are shown. In addition, the potential hazards of using chemically unstable polymers are demonstrated, and possible alternatives for battery manufacturers are proposed. References A. Adamson et al., Nat. Mater. (2023) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41563-023-01673-3.S. Buechele et al., J. Electrochem. Soc., 170, 010511 (2023).R. Petibon, J. Xia, J. C. Burns, and J. R. Dahn, J. Electrochem. Soc., 161, A1618–A1624 (2014).H. Kondo and T. Yamada, (2000) https://patents.google.com/patent/US6025091A/en.https://metamaterial.com/solutions/battery-materials/.https://soteriabig.com/technology/.http://www.dupontteijinfilms.com/.S. S. Zhang, Journal of Power Sources, 164, 351–364 (2007).
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