The article reveals the philosophical, methodological and praxeological aspects of the formation and development of patriotism among students studying in the specialty “State and municipal management”. The research methodology, based on the general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, includes: 1) a semiotic method that allows us to consider patriotic traditions not only as a symbolic, but also as a communicative phenomenon; 2) comparative method; 3) situational analysis. Patriotism is considered by the authors as a moral and socio-ethical category, which is a dialectical combination of intellectual-rational and mental-spiritual components. Based on this understanding, the authors are conducting practical work on the formation and education of patriotism among future managers within the walls of the Orenburg branch of the RANEPA. This work includes: 1) the formation of historical memory through the familiarization of students with the history of the Fatherland within the walls of the university and participation in extracurricular patriotic events; 2) familiarization with the richest Russian cultural heritage; 3) fostering love for the small motherland, one's native land; 4) industrial practice of future managers as the most realistic way to introduce them to professional activities.
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