OZET: Bu arastirma Ataturk Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Tarim Isletmesinde yurutulmustur. Calismada, Esmer ve Siyah Alaca irk buzagilarin 500 g kesif yem tuketimine ulastiklari yas (gun) ve ihtiyac duyduklari besin maddelerini kaba ve kesif yemlerden karsiladiklari surenin tespiti amaclanmistir. 500 g kesif yem tuketimine Esmer irk buzagilar 36 gunde, Siyah Alaca irk buzagilar 38 gunde ulasmislardir. Esmer buzagilar, ihtiyac duyduklari besin maddelerinin kaba ve kesif yemlerden karsilanmasi 52, Siyah Alaca buzagilarda 55 gunluk yasta gerceklesmistir. Bu yasta, Siyah Alaca buzagilar gunluk 971 g, Esmer buzagilar gunluk 1033 g kesif yem tuketmislerdir. Calismada, Esmer ve Siyah Alaca irki buzagilarin dogum agirliklari arasindaki farklilik cok onemli (P<0.01), sutten kesim, 4, 6. ay agirliklari, sutten kesim sureleri ve gunluk canli agirlik artisi arasindaki farkliliklar ise onemsiz bulunmustur. Kuru madde olarak yemden yararlanma bakimindan Siyah Alacalar, Esmerlerden daha yuksek performans gostermislerdir (P<0.05). Anahtar Kelimeler : Buzagi, Esmer, Siyah Alaca, Sutten Kesim Yasi, Yem Tuketimi. DETERMINATION OF WEANING AGE AND GROWTH TRAITS OF BROWN SWISS AND HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN CALVES. SUMMARY: This research was carried out in the Farm of College of Agriculture at Ataturk University. The age of Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian calves in which they reached 500 g concentrate feed consumption and duration in which they consumed enough hay and concentrated feed nutrient requirements were determined in this study. Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian reached 500 g concentrate feed consumption in 36 and 38 days of age respectively. Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian achieved the consumption of the sufficient amount of hay and concentrate to satisfy their nutrient requirements in 52 days old and 55 days old. In the same period, daily concentrate consumption of Holstein Friesian and Brown Swiss calves were 971 g and 1033 g respectively. The difference between birth weights of Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian calves was highly significant (P<0.01), however, the differences concerning with weaning and 4 and 6 months were found to be insignificant. Holstein Friesian calves showed better performance than Brown Swiss calves in feed efficiency, as total dry matter consumption (P<0.05) Key Words : Calf, Brown Swiss, Holstein Friesian, Weaning Age, Feed Consumption
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