
OZET Bu calismada, bazal diyete ilave olarak verilen vil-Ki:, /K2; K3 kaynaklarinin civciv, pilic ve tavuklarda plasma protrombin zamani uzerine olan etkisi arastirilmistir. Vitamin-KI kaynagi olarak % 5 unu vitamin Ki kaynagi olarak % 5 balik unu ve K3 kaynagi' olarak %40 sari misir kullanilmistir. Plasma protrombin zamani tayininde Tek Devreli Q'ulci( Metodu ve trombokinase tab/etleri kullanilmistir. Kullc.nilan vitamin-K kaynaklari ile bunlarin sagladigi plasma protrombin zamanlarinin yemden faydalanma sayisina ve canli agirlik drtfsma onemli bir etkide bulunmadikIdri, baska bir tabirle plasma protrombin zamtmlari ite yemden faydalanma sayisi ve canli agirlik artisi arasinda onemli bir ilgi bulunmadigi gorulmustur. Disi/erde 8. inci haftada vitamin-K2 vitamin KI ve K3 ten, 18: inci haftada ise vitdmin-K2 ve vitamin-KI ayri ayri vitamin-K3 ten daha az aktivite gostermistir. 24 ve 30. uncu haftalarda ise butun vitamin-K formlari benzer aktivite gostermislerdir. Erkeklerde butun periyotlarda vitamin-k aktivitesi bakimindan onemli bir farklilik gorulmemistir. Vitamin-K kaynagi olarak 18. inci haftaya kadar san misir, geri kalan periyotta ise balik unu, yonca unu veya sari misirdan herhangi birinin kullanilabilecegi anlasilmistir. Vitamin-KI kaynagi disi/erde 22.1 erkeklerde 21.6, vitamin-K2 kaynagi disi/erde 23.70 erkeklerde 22.~, vitamin-K3 kaynagi ise disilerde 18.8 erkeklerde 20,2 saniyelik bir protrombin zamani temin etmistir. Fakat, cinsiyet portrombin zamani uzerine onemli bir etkide bulunmamistir. Normal protrombin zamani olarak 20 saniye alindiginda balik unu ve yonca ununun rasyondaki miktarlarini artirmak sari misirin miktarini ise azaltmak gereklidir. Fakat, bu durumun tespiti icin yeni arastirmalara ihtiyac vardir. The Effects of Vitamin-K Analoques On The Plasma Prothrombine Time In Chicks. Broilers and Adult Hens The influmce of the sources of vitamin-KI, vitamin-K2 ~nd vitamin-K3 on the plasma prothrombin time of chickens' jn the growing, broiIer and laying periods has been researched in this study. As a source of vitamin·Kl 5 percent of dehydrated alfalfa meal was used in the diet and 5 pereent fish meal for vitamin- K2 and 40 percent yellow com for vitamin-K3. 150 white Leghom chicles were distributed according to block assignment method on the wire floor,electricalJy he· ated .petersime type battery, feed and water were applie,d as free cboise. Plasma prothrombine time were a· nalysed according to Quick method and thrombokinane pills were used. There is no significant influence of plasma prothrombine time on the growth rate and feed effieieney. The sources of vitamin-Kihas shown less activity than the_ other sources of vitamin-KI and Lo in eight week on the female chicken. The activities of the sources of vitamin-KI and Lo has shown almost equal activity. it has been.observed that the sources of vitamin-lO has more activity than the other sources in 18 th weekperiodin ferrnale chickens. There is no statistically important difference between the activities of the sources of vitamin-KI and Lo in this period. it also not been observed any important difference among the sources of vitamin-K forms in the periods of 24 and 30 th weeks. All sources of vitamin K forms, have not effected difIerently on the plasma prothrombine time of the male chickens during the whole period of the experiment. Obtained data indicated that, there is no need to use other than yellow com as a source of vitamin K until 18 th weeks. We suggest that fish meal, alfafalfa meal and yellow com can be Used during the later periods. we found that the sources of vitaminKI has given 22.1 seconds pJasma prothrombine timein female, and 21.6 seconds in male chickens. The sources of vitamin K2 has given 23.7 seconds in female and 22.0 seconds in male and the source of vitamin K3 has given 18.8 seconds in female and 20.2 seconds in maIe. These data indicate that there is no significant influence of sex on the plasma prothrombine time. But, in comparison with normal plasma prothrombine' time which is accepted as 20 seconds. we suggest that fish meal and alfalfa meal must be increased in some extent in the diets. But we need further investigation in how extend it must be increased.

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