
OZET Civciv rasyonlarinda 8 hafta sureyle, cesitli duzeylerde (0.00, '25,50,100 mg/kg yem) ampicilin, terramycin, c. bacitracin, erythromycin ve bakin sulfatin; tavuk rasyonlarinda ise 6 aylik periyotta, farkli duzeylerdeki (0.00, 25; 50,100 mg/kg yem) terramycin ve cinko bacitroc'in'in etkileri arastirilmistir. Sekiz haftalik periyotda, kontrol grubuna nazaran ampicillin, cinko bacitracin, terramycin, erythromycin ve bakir sulfath rasyonlarla beslenen gruplarda canli agirlik artisi sirasiyla % 658, % 7.38, % 9.7, % 857 ve % 5.3 nisbetlerde daha yuksek olmustur. Antibiyotikler ve bakir sulfatin civcivlerin yemden yararlanma ve yasama gucune etkileri farkli olmamistir. Yumurta tavuklarinda terramycin ve cinko bacitracin'in tavuklarin yumurta verimi, yumurta agirligi, yemden yararlanma ve yasama gucune etkileri istatistiki olarak Onemli bulunmamistir. Fakat antibiotik olan gruplarla yumurta agirligi, basal rasyonla beslenen grubunkinden onemli derecede dusuk bulunmustur, THE EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT ANTIBIOTICS ON THE VARIOUS PERFORMANCES OF THE LAYING HENS AND BROILER CIIICKS SUMMARY Two exp erime nt were conducted in order to de ter mi ne the effects of verious levels of ampicillin, terramycin, batcitracin, erythromycin and copper sulphate in broiler chiks; the effects of terramycin and zine bacitracin in layin hens. Only one control groupped factorlal experimental design of dectary treatments at four levels (0, 00, 25, 50, 100 mg/kg feed) of supplementary ampicillin, terramycin, zince bacitracin, erythromycin and cupper sulphate were studied in the first eiperiment. Day-old 14 male andfemale chick were randomly assigned to each of the dictory treatments The second experiment was rum with 22-weeks oldpulletsfor 6 months. Two replicated of 15 white leghorn pullets were randomyl assigned to diets containing various levels (O, 00, 25,50,100 mg/kgfeed) ofZine bacitracin and terramycin. In the flrst experiment (or in broiler chicks) there were no significant dijferences among the dietary treatments containing supplementary antibiotics and Cu-sulfate in regarding to eight-\veek body weight, feed efficienty and the survival rate. But the chicks receiving ampicillin, zinc bacitracin, terramycin, erythromycin and copper sulphate gained 658 %; 7.38 %; 9.70 %; 857 % and 5.30 % more body weight respectively ofthosefed basal diet. In the secont experiment (or in laying hens) the terramycin and the zinc bacitracin have no significantly effected on the egg producting, egg weight, feed efficiency and survival rate of the laying hensfor 6 mounths. But the egg weights of the groups receiving 25, 50 and 100 mg. of terramycin and zince bacitracin were significantly less than those receiving basal die

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