The most popular payment method in recent years is the credit card. Due to the E-commerce industry’s explosive growth, the usage of credit cards for online purchases have been greatly increased as a result frauds has increased. Banks have been facing challenges to detect the credit card system fraud in recent years. Credit card fraud happens when the card was stolen for any unauthorized purposes or if the fraudster utilizes the credit card information for his own use. In order to prevent credit card fraud, it is essential to build detection measures. While detecting credit card theft with machine learning (ML), the features of credit card frauds play an important and they must be carefully selected. A fraud detection algorithm must be created in order to correctly locate and stop fraudulent activity as technology advances along with the amount of fraud cases. ML methods are essential for identifying fraudulent transactions. The implementation of fraud detection models is particularly difficult because of the sensitive nature of the data, the unbalanced class distributions, and the lack of data. In this work, an intelligent approach to detect and predict online fraud transaction using extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) algorithm is described. The XGBoost model predicts whether a transaction is fraud or not. This model will achieve better performance interarm of recall, precision, accuracy and F1-score for credit card fraud detection.
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