The purpose of the article is theoretically and practically substantiate the methodological approaches to the restructuring of the business management model of the enterprise in a crisis. Methodology of research. To achieve this goal, methods of analysis and synthesis, scientific abstraction, induction and deduction, abstract-logical research methods. Findings. A sign of the current financial and economic condition of enterprises is the vulnerability to external and internal factors influencing the financial and economic activities caused by the spread of globalization processes and the economic crisis in the country. Restructuring the business management model allows for the rapid adoption and implementation of management decisions to form the necessary behavior of the managed system in a crisis. This will prevent and / or mitigate the negative effects of internal and external business environment to achieve the stated goals: maximizing the market value of the company and achieving sustainable economic growth, maintaining an acceptable level of business activity and maintaining performance. The authors outline the priorities of the potential development of business activity and the tools for managing it. As part of the implementation of management functions, methodological approaches to the analysis of deviations of the actual values of business activity parameters from the planned and normative ones have been substantiated; policy directions have been determined to improve the management of the enterprise's business activity in a crisis. Namely: financial forecasting, operational and strategic monitoring, control of business activity by key performance indicators. Practical value. The article substantiates that the implementation of the proposed model of business management will preserve the achievements of the achieved level, increase the level of resistance to negative influences of external and internal environment and provide a bookmark “pillows of financial security” in potential deepening financial crisis in Ukraine. Keywords: financial management, business activity, management model, crisis. REFERENCES 1. Kashchena, N. B., Horoshanska, O. O., & Polova, T. V. (2016). Dilova aktyvnist pidpryiemstva: sutnist ta metodyka analizu [Business activity of the enterprise: the essence and methods of analysis]. Kharkiv: Ivanchenkо I.S. [in Ukrainian]. 2. Kartsevа, V. V. (Eds.). (2019). Finansova systema ta yii rol u zabezpechenni rozvytku ekonomiky Ukrainy [The financial system and its role in ensuring the development of Ukraine's economy]. Poltava: PUET [in Ukrainian]. 3. Kobryn, L. Y. (2018). Teoretyko-metodychni pidkhody do upravlinnia dilovoiu aktyvnistiu pidpryiemstva [Theoretical and methodological approaches to business management of the enterprise]. Naukovi zapysky. Seriya «Ekonomichni nauky» – Scientific notes. Series of Economic Sciences, 1 (56), 193–200 [in Ukrainian]. 4. Mukomela-Mykhalets, V. O. (2011). Kontseptualni zasady stvorennia efektyvnoi systemy upravlinnia dilovoiu aktyvnistiu mashynobudivnoho pidpryiemstva [Conceptual bases of creation of effective system of management of business activity of the machine-building enterprise]. Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu – Bulletin of Khmelnytsky National University 3, Vols. 1, 23–27 [in Ukrainian]. 5. Kharchenko, V. A. (2013). Dilova aktyvnist yak skladova systemy upravlinnia rozvytkom promyslovoho pidpryiemstva [Business activity as a component of the management system of industrial enterprise development]. Skhid – East, 4, 87–92 [in Ukrainian]. 6. Sydorenko-Melnyk, H. M. (2013). Orhanizatsiino-metodychni zasady finansovoho monitorynhu dilovoi aktyvnosti pidpryiemstva [Organizational and methodological principles of financial monitoring of business activity of the enterprise]. Biznes Inform: Mizhnarodnyi naukovyi ekonomichnyi zhurnal – Business Inform: International Scientific Economic Journal, 11 (430), 281–284 [in Ukrainian]. Published: 2021-04-07
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