The aim of the article is to develop a model of the mechanism of the State policy of sustainable development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine, which can become a key factor in economic growth, improving the standard of living of the population, creating new jobs and strengthening democracy. The mechanism is based on the following principles: inclusiveness (ensuring equal access to opportunities for all entrepreneurial entities, regardless of their size, industry, location and other factors); fairness (creation of transparent and fair business rules that do not discriminate against any group of entrepreneurs); accountability (ensuring that the authorities are clearly accountable to entrepreneurs for their actions and decisions) and resilience (development and implementation of entrepreneurship support policies that take into account long-term economic prospects and social consequences). The mechanism also uses the instruments of the State policy of sustainable development of entrepreneurship: regulation – the activity of the State aimed at establishing rules and norms that entrepreneurs must comply with (licensing, antimonopoly laws, product safety standards, etc.); support – State activities aimed at providing assistance and incentives for the development of entrepreneurship (financial assistance, tax benefits, consulting services, education, training, etc.); provision is a set of measures aimed at creating a favorable environment for doing business (bureaucracy reforms, the fight against corruption, infrastructure development, intellectual property protection, etc.). The instruments for ensuring entrepreneurship are summarized in more detail: protection of property rights (legislative, institutional, informational, and practical support); fight against corruption (introduction of anti-corruption standards, improvement of anti-corruption bodies, protection of whistleblowers and increasing transparency); ensuring the rule of law (independence of the judiciary, access to justice, rule of law over the administrative apparatus, counteracting political interference in the judiciary); protection of competition (introduction of antimonopoly legislation, creation of antimonopoly bodies and application of antimonopolistic sanctions); development of infrastructure (transport, energy, information, etc.); protection of data and the environment (improvement of legislation on data protection and the environment, creation of separate data protection and environmental authorities, raising awareness of data protection, stimulating environmentally friendly and information friendly business). We believe that thanks to the joint efforts of the State, business and the public, Ukraine will be able to successfully implement the mechanism of the State policy of sustainable development of entrepreneurship and build a sustainable and prosperous future for its citizens. Investments in sustainable development of entrepreneurship are investments in the future of Ukraine.
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