The Muslim Brotherhood movement, which was born in Egypt, has influenced not only Egypt but also coun-tries such as Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, and many Islamic movements in these countries have beenorganized on the model of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood movement started as a socialand cultural movement, but later on it gained a political character and aspired to govern Egypt. In addition tothe Freedom and Justice Party, which was founded in 2011 under the leadership of Mohamed Morsi and wasinfluential in the Arab Spring process, there are other Islamist parties in Egypt that are related to or influencedby the Muslim Brotherhood movement. These parties, which are less known in the world public opinion, canbe listed as the Wasat Party, the Islamic Labour Party and the Egyptian Current Party. In this study, firstly,the historical course of the Muslim Brotherhood movement is analysed and then the political parties in Egyptthat were founded by or influenced by this movement are presented. Finally, the study concludes with a gen-eral analysis and comparison of these parties.
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