In this analysis, the creep responses of a non-constant thickness annular plate was presented. The material of disc is assumed functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic (FGMEE) in which the material properties change through the radius. Also, the heat transfer coefficients for convection and conduction are functions of radius and temperature. At first, the equation of heat transfer accounting for thermal gradient, convection boundary conditions, internal heat generation, and solar radiation effects was derived. The differential transformation method (DTM) was used to solve the resulting nonlinear differential equation. The equilibrium equation for the annular plate including creep strain effects was then obtained. Ignoring creep strains, an analytical solution was obtained for the zero-time of this equation. Then, creep strains were introduced using Norton's law and the Prandtl-Reuss relations to find the stress and strain rates under fixed temperature boundary conditions. Next, the equation of strain rates including creep strains was solved analytically. Finally, an iterative approach was used to evaluate the time-dependent redistribution of creep stresses at any time point. Numerical examples highlighted the influences of key parameters like internal heat generation, convective heat transfer, grading index, solar radiation, thickness profile, and angular speed on the stresses, deformations and electric and magnetic potentials.
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