Injections of bombesin (BOM, 125, 250 and 500 ng) into the preoptic/anterior hypothalamus caused dose-related decreases of threshold temperatures for metabolic cold defence, cutaneous vasomotor tone and respiratory rate, combined with a reduced sensitivity of these thermoregulatory effectors in response to core temperature changes induced at thermoneutral or warm ambient conditions. Intracisternal (i.c.) injections of BOM (250 ng) produced qualitatively identical thermoregulatory effector changes in response to core temperature changes. Injections of BOM into the posterior hypothalamus did not affect body temperature control. Increased locomotor behavior, licking and grooming was elicited, however, from all injection sites. The results explain the prevailing hypothermic effect of BOM as the consequence of the concerted decrease in threshold temperatures and "gains" of all autonomic thermoregulatory effectors and suggest the activation of warm inputs, relative to cold inputs, at the hypothalamic level as the underlying mechanism. Direct or indirect inhibition of the intrinsic hypothalamic system involving thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and consequent deactivation of central noradrenergic pathways known to generate the entire autonomic pattern of cold defence might be involved in the neuro-humoral changes resulting in hypothermic effects of centrally applicated BOM.
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