By using the method developed by Kaburagi and Kanamori (Progr. theor. Phys. 54 (1975) 30) the ground state ordered structures and the conditions for their existence for the case of BCT substitutional binary alloys were obtained, which can be applied to the case of BCC based interstitial binary alloys. The method of graphical solution of the problem were devised. The six kinds of pairwise interactions, J 1 , …, J 6 were assumed. For the case of J 4 = J 5 = J 6 =0, the problem could be solved completely for the whole range of solute concentration. The other two important cases of J 5 = J 6 =0 and J 1 , J 2 ≫| J i ( i ≠1,2) were also solved completely but for the range of low concentration. Almost all the structures experimentally observed could be obtained and the conditions for their existence were determined.
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